USIQ B2B BLOG: Recruiting, Employer Branding and Marketing2024-09-19T07:19:44-04:00

USIQ B2B BLOG: Recruiting, Employer Branding and Marketing

What is a Quality Seal (& Why Do You Need One)?

By |4. September 2024|B2B Business News|

What is a Quality Seal (& Why Do You Need One)? Why do certain products or services instantly make you feel more confident about your purchase? Maybe you've been in a store before where you've compared two similar items. One of them has a small, official-looking badge on it — [...]

Business Awards and Quality Seals: How to Apply in 2024

By |2. September 2024|B2B Business News|

Business Awards and Quality Seals: How to Apply in 2024 Have you ever wondered how some businesses can attract new customers and stand out in the market so seemingly effortlessly? Maybe you've been wondering, “What can I do to build more trust with my clients and make my company more [...]

Google for Jobs Explained: How to Get Your Job Postings Seen

By |30. August 2024|B2B Business News|

Google for Jobs Explained: How to Get Your Job Postings Seen So, you probably heard about Google for Jobs before…but you might be wondering, "What exactly is Google for Jobs? And should I care about this tool?" Well, if you're an employer trying to attract top talent, then Google for [...]

Online Marketing: Strategies, Tools – How to Succeed in 2024

By |8. April 2024|B2B Business News|

Online Marketing Explained: How to Succeed in 2024 Nowadays, everyone is talking about online marketing. It's as if you cannot start a business without being confronted with this term and the reality of building an online presence and marketing it. There is a lot of truth to it, whether you [...]

Using Facebook for Job Postings and Recruitment

By |8. April 2024|B2B Business News|

Using Facebook for Job Postings and Recruitment: Tips and Strategies The hunt for the perfect job or the ideal candidate has changed a lot over the past years. Job seekers are no longer flipping through the classifieds section of their local newspaper, and employers are no longer solely relying on [...]

How To Attract Talent In Times Of Workforce Shortages

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

How To Attract Talent In Times Of Workforce Shortages America is facing a crisis. As baby boomers retire in droves, critical skills and institutional knowledge are walking out the door. At the same time, the skills and expectations of younger generations of workers don't always align with employer needs. The [...]

Best Practices in Talent Acquisition

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

Best Practices in Talent Acquisition Every successful business understands the importance of bringing on board skilled individuals who can contribute to their progress and success. Careful planning and a strategic method are essential to secure the right talent for a job opening. Talent acquisition is a critical approach in this [...]

Learn How to Recruit Passive Candidates

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

Learn How to Recruit Passive Candidates About 70% of the global workforce are passive job seekers—people who are happy in their current jobs but open to new opportunities. Successfully recruiting these individuals can greatly improve your hiring strategy. This guide provides practical steps for reaching out to this often-overlooked but [...]

How To Draw In More Applicants As An Employer

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

How To Draw In More Applicants As An Employer Attracting top talent is crucial for the success of any organization, but it’s not as easy as it once was. In order to land team members that help the company excel, employers now have to adopt creative and innovative strategies [...]

How To Be A Good Employer

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

How To Be A Good Employer Being a good employer sounds incredibly broad and vague, though it’s actually far more simple than some might think. Exceptional employers go beyond just the basics; they demonstrate empathy and a commitment to the well-being of everyone on their team. With the recent “Great [...]

Generation X, Y, Z: The Difference Between the Generations in the Workplace

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

Generation X, Y, Z: The Difference Between the Generations in the Workplace Understanding the unique attributes and workplace impacts of Generation X, Y, and Z, is essential in today’s diverse work environment. This article focuses on the distinctive characteristics of these generations and offers insights on managing a multigenerational workforce [...]

What Do Generation X, Y, and Z Wish from their Employer?

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

What Do Generation X, Y, and Z Wish from their Employer? Understanding the expectations of Generations X, Y, and Z is essential for a dynamic workplace. Here's a brief look at what each generation looks for in an employer: Gen X values independence and seeks supportive work environments. Gen Y [...]

What Makes an Employer A Great Place to Work?

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

What Makes an Employer A Great Place to Work? A great place to work isn't defined solely by salaries or perks; it's about balance, benefits, culture, and security. These pillars are crucial for employee satisfaction and a company's success. A positive work environment also lowers recruitment costs, boosts retention rates, [...]

Exploring the Impact of a 4-Day Work Week on Companies

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

Exploring the Impact of a 4-Day Work Week on Companies Working less can lead to more productivity, more innovation, and a more engaged workforce. For this reason, many companies are introducing the 4-day week. Employees' needs are changing. After the pandemic, they want more flexibility. Although four-day work weeks sound [...]

10 Trends in Employer Branding You Cannot Miss!

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

10 Trends in Employer Branding You Cannot Miss! Employer branding is how companies create and show their current and potential employees a positive image. Based on the company's mission, values, and culture, this image showcases what the company is really about. A good employer brand brings many benefits. Firstly, it [...]

Top 8 Current trends in HR marketing

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

Top 8 Current trends in HR marketing The competition for top talent is getting stronger, and HR departments are discovering that more than old recruitment and retention techniques are needed. Companies now use creative HR marketing strategies to stand out and retain the best candidates. In this blog post, we [...]

How Can I Retain Employees

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

How Can I Retain Employees? Keeping your best talent is essential for success in a competitive job market. The average turnover rate among US businesses between 2022 and 2023 was 17.3%, meaning a significant portion of your workforce could be leaving each year, taking valuable skills, experience, and knowledge with [...]

How Can I Reduce Recruiting Costs?

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

How Can I Reduce Recruiting Costs? Finding the right talent is crucial for any business, but the recruitment process can be a major cost factor. It can quickly drain your budget and resources, hindering your ability to grow. This blog post is your guide to reducing recruiting costs and attracting [...]

What is Social Media Recruitment (Social Recruiting)?

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

What is Social Media Recruitment (Social Recruiting)? Nowadays, most employers are using digital platforms to search for high-quality talent. Through the use of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn, employers can find talent quicker and more affordable than ever. These platforms have reduced hiring processes and expenses, making [...]

How to Draw Attention to Yourself as an Employer with an Employer Award

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

How to Draw Attention to Yourself as an Employer with an Employer Award In the competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial. A company with a low retention rate is viewed as a leader in its field, yet many organizations have high turnover rates. Many believe a [...]

Climate-neutral: What does that mean?

By |25. March 2024|B2B Business News|

Climate-neutral: What does that mean? Climate-neutral living means that one’s behavior, products or services do not increase the amount of climate-damaging gases in the atmosphere. Both companies and private households can help reduce CO2 emissions. According to experts, this is sorely needed, as excessive emissions of CO2 and other pollutants [...]

What does employer branding mean?

By |25. March 2023|B2B Business News|

What does employer branding mean? An ever-increasing number of small and medium-sized companies are looking at employer branding to attract attention in the competition for the best minds. What is behind this concept and how can you use employer branding to develop a unique employer brand? What exactly [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Employer Seals

By |25. March 2023|B2B Business News|

Everything You Need to Know About Employer Seals Was your company impacted by the Great Resignation? Employees began leaving their positions in record numbers during 2021, with 47.4 million American workers voluntarily quitting. These trends trickled into 2022, with data showing that more than 50 million workers left positions [...]

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