The USIQ certify companies in the United States as FAMILY FRIENDLY COMPANY

Present your company as a FAMILY FRIENDLY COMPANY

The TOP EMPLOYER (USIQ) employer seal is awarded after a comprehensive assessment. This includes an anonymous employee survey as well as an HR interview. Our TOP EMPLOYER seal meets the highest standards and is ideally suited for building your employer brand.

As part of the survey, we conduct an anonymous questionnaire among employees. Among other things, employees are asked about their overall satisfaction and willingness to recommend your company as an employer. All company employees must have the opportunity to participate in the anonymous survey.

We also evaluate the area of employer benefits. This can include salary, fringe benefits, company cars or other employee offers and benefits. We also look into the availability of further training, a fair salary level, sustainable corporate management and career opportunities for employees. The questionnaire collects objective data on relevant areas of HR policy and practice.

There must be a fair balance between the needs of employees and the opportunities and offers of the employer.


What distinguishes the USIQ seal?


Employee participation increases retention and helps reduce turnover.


We conduct an anonymous employee survey of your company, specifically adapted to your company. You will receive a comprehensive evaluation of the survey in tabular form.


The certification result as a top employer (USIQ) allows you to recognize employees’ needs and wishes. Through their appreciation, you increase your attractiveness as an employer and support your company’s branding strategy.



Successful certification can be published on our website. With the Top Employer (USIQ) seal, you show that you have undergone a review by an external provider.


The criteria for the TOP EMPLOYER seal are based on an employee survey that is conducted according to scientifically sound standards. You will receive an anonymized evaluation of the employee survey.


Increase your attention with an award as TOP EMPLOYER. You will successfully set yourself apart from other employers with our award.



1. Conduct the employee survey and the HR interview (online).
2. Evaluation of the employee survey and the HR interview.
3. Examination of the certification by the independent certification company (SQC-QualityCert).
4. You will receive the certification certificate, the quality seal in two versions (2023/2024 and 2024/2025),

two acrylic displays and an evaluation of the employee survey in tabular form.

Our principles for employee surveys apply to all employee surveys. The time required for employee surveys is approximately 10 minutes per employee. The time required for the HR interview is approximately one hour.

Costs of certification with the employer seal

The costs of certification depend on the number of employees. The prices quoted include the implementation of the employee survey (online), the evaluation of the performance survey/management interview and the certification by SQC-QualityCert. We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer for conducting a paper survey. Please send a message with the number of questionnaires you need.

PLEASE NOTE: If you receive a “very good” rating, you will automatically be certified. If you are rated “good” or “satisfactory,” you will receive the evaluation of the survey and you can refuse the certification. Then, only the survey will be charged. The employer seal “Family friendly Company (USIQ)” is valid for two years (24 months from issue). A certified company can extend the quality seal by recertification for two additional years at a time. Recertification requires a new employee survey and a new performance survey.

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